Gestational Surrogate Advanced Care Plan

This is a combined Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney and allows a gestational surrogate to state what her wishes are in the event that she is unable to make her own health care decisions. Everyone should have an advanced care plan. Surrogates especially need one because the people for whom she is carrying a child need to know her wishes in case a tragedy strikes. This is an area in which there needs to be complete agreement before moving forward with attempting a pregnancy!

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Embryo Donation

When parents use IVF to add to their family, they often fertilize more eggs than they need for that new member of the family. The resulting embryos can be maintained in cryo-preservation for a great length of time. Some families decide to donate their frozen embryos when they decide that their family is complete. By sharing these embryos with another family, they share their joy in parenthood and they fulfill their sense that the additional embryos should have a chance at life. 

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Independent Surrogacy in Tennessee

Many couples choose to pursue an independent surrogacy, rather than contracting with an agency. A significant part of my practice is representing families in independent surrogacies. I do not undertake all the things that an agency will do for you. I will, however, give you suggestions for how to handle these things on your own.

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Sperm Donation

When parties to a sperm donation contract in Tennessee negotiate their contract, the parties need to be very clear that the man can not sign away his rights and the potential mother can not waive the child’s rights to a relationship with that man.

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